These General Conditions of Sale have as their object the purchase of products Gp Interiors S.R.L. made remotely via computer network on the site www.legasi.it , belonging to Gp Interiors S.R.L., based in Mariglianella (NA), Via Undici Settembre 2001, 34 - 80030 Partita IVA 08912691212. Each purchase transaction will be governed by the provisions of DLgs. 185/99, DLgs. 206/05; the information directed to the conclusion of the contract will be subject to art. 12 of DLgs. 70/03 and, as regards the protection of confidentiality, will be subject to the regulations of DLgs. 196/03.

Conclusion of the contract and acceptance of the general conditions of sale

Contracts for the sale of products on the site www.legasi.it , are considered concluded when the purchase order placed by the customer reaches Gp Interiors S.R.L. and the latter accepts it. Gp Interiors S.R.L. will promptly send the customer receipt of the purchase order placed by the customer.

The customer, by telematically sending his purchase order, declares that he has read and accepted these general terms and conditions and undertakes to observe and respect them in his dealings with Gp Interiors S.R.L.

Personal data processing

Gp Interiors S.R.L. pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 informs that the personal and tax data acquired even verbally in reference to business relationships established, provided directly by interested parties, or otherwise acquired as part of the company's activities, will be processed in accordance with the regulations referred to, including the obligations of confidentiality provided by them
In relation to the aforementioned may be exercised the rights under Article 7 DLgs. 196/2003.

Customer Obligations

The Customer is required, before submitting his purchase order, to read carefully these general conditions of sale. The submission of the purchase order implies their full knowledge and acceptance.
Finally, the Customer is obliged, once the online purchase procedure is completed, to print and keep these general conditions of sale, already viewed and accepted during the conclusion of the contract.


By placing an order on-line, the Customer transmits to Gp Interiors S.R.L. a proposal to purchase the product and/or products placed in the shopping cart. When the Customer places an on-line order for the products he/she has placed in the shopping cart, he/she agrees to purchase them at the price and terms indicated in these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

Gp Interiors S.R.L.will notify the Customer of the acceptance and confirmation of the order.

In particular, Gp Interiors S.R.L. will not accept orders:

If the material, at the time of the order was not in stock and/or if the Customer is unable or unwilling to pay using credit cards (Paypal) , bank transfer.


The customer purchases the product, the characteristics of which are illustrated online, at the price specified therein plus the delivery charges specified on the site.

Before the purchase order is submitted, the unit cost of each selected product, the total cost in case of purchasing more than one product, and the relevant delivery charges are summarized.
Once the purchase order has been submitted, the customer will receive from Gp Interiors S.R.L. an e-mail message confirming receipt of the purchase order and containing information about the main characteristics of the purchased goods, detailed indication of the price, delivery costs, applicable taxes and means of payment and containing a reference to the general terms and conditions and information about the existence of the right of withdrawal, the conditions and methods of its exercise displayed on the site. Following the approval of Decree Law No. 223 of July 4, 2006 "maneuver bis" Art. 37 paragraphs 8 and 9, converted by Law 248 of August 4, 2006, which came into force on August 12, 2006, by which the obligation to communicate the list of customers and suppliers in case of invoice issuance is reinstated, and Decree Law 78 of May 31, 2010 converted into Law 122 of July 30, 2010, imposes the need to require customers to communicate VAT NUMBER and TAX CODE.


The customer can make the payment due by choosing one of the following listed methods.

Payment by credit card: In case the consumer intends to make payment by credit card, he/she may use the payment procedure with PayPal or Stripe, which is suitable to ensure the confidentiality of the data provided by the customers. For any information and further Legal Agreements, the Customer is referred to www.paypal.com and www.stripe.com. Legasi does not store or view credit cards entered on the site.

Payment by bank transfer


The purchased goods, together with the relevant receipt or invoice, are delivered by courier to the address specified by the Customer when ordering online. Any specific requirements must be raised by the customer to Gp Interiors S.R.L..

Gp Interiors S.R.L. guarantees delivery of the goods within 7-10 days from the date of receipt of confirmation of the transaction.


Products purchased on www.legasi.it are subject to the regulations on the sale of consumer goods. Delivered products conform to the characteristics illustrated online.

Gp Interiors S.R.L. is responsible to the customer for conformity defects existing at the time of delivery of the goods.


The Customer Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract, without stating any reasons, within 14 (fourteen) days. The withdrawal period expires after 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which the Consumer Customer or a third party, other than the carrier and designated by him, acquires physical possession of the products.

In the case of a contract for multiple products ordered by the Customer Consumer in a single order and delivered separately, the withdrawal period expires after 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which the Customer Consumer or a third party, other than the carrier and designated by him, acquires physical possession of the last product.

  1. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Consumer Customer is required to inform Gp Interiors S.R.L. at one of the addresses transcribed below: Gp Interiors S.R.L., based in Mariglianella (NA), Via Undici Settembre 2001, 34 - 80030 Partita IVA 08912691212 ; e-mail info@legasi.it .
  2. The Consumer Customer must communicate his decision to withdraw from the contract entered into with Gp Interiors S.R.L. by means of an explicit declaration, by sending a letter by mail, fax or electronic mail to the contact details specified in the preceding paragraph. To this end, the Consumer Customer may freely choose to use the model withdrawal form attached to the Instructions on the right of withdrawal (click here) , but it is not mandatory.
  3. To comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient for the Consumer Customer to send the notice regarding the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiration of the withdrawal period.
  4. Pursuant to Article 54, paragraph 4, of the Consumer Code, the burden of proof relating to the exercise of the right of withdrawal rests on the Consumer Customer, so it is advisable that such notice be sent to Gp Interiors S.R.L. by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the following address: Gp Interiors S.R.L., headquartered in Mariglianella (NA), Via Undici Settembre 2001, 34 - 80030 Partita IVA 08912691212 -; or by any other means suitable to demonstrate with certainty the dispatch and receipt of the communication by Gp Interiors S.R.L..


If the Consumer Customer withdraws from the contract entered into with Gp Interiors S.R.L., he/she will be refunded all payments he/she has made, with the exception of delivery costs quantified at the time of shipment itself.

The Consumer Customer shall return the goods or deliver them to Gp Interiors S.R.L. at the following address: Gp Interiors S.R.L., headquartered in Mariglianella (NA), Via Undici Settembre 2001, 34 - 80030 Partita IVA 08912691212, without undue delay and in any event within 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which he communicated to Gp Interiors S.R.L. his withdrawal from the contract. The deadline is met if the Consumer Customer returns the goods before the expiration of the 14 (fourteen) day period.

The direct costs of returning the goods will be borne by the Customer Consumer.

The Consumer Customer is only liable for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from handling the goods other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.


The Consumer Customer may not exercise the right of withdrawal provided for in Article 24 ("Right of Withdrawal") in the following cases: (a) if the goods are custom-made and/or clearly personalized; (b) if the goods are likely to deteriorate or expire rapidly; (c) if the sealed goods, opened after delivery, are not suitable to be returned for hygienic or health protection-related reasons; (d) sealed food products once opened; (e) if the goods, after delivery, are, by their nature, inseparably mixed with other goods;